Believe it or not.. my true hair
colour was light brown. Not BLONDE! But not as black as Asian hair.. : (
Yap. I’m truly Indonesian, but
don’t blame me for the 1% Chinese blood that my great grandmother gave me. Also,
I couldn’t blame the sun which burned my hair diligently when I was a kid.
I’ve got an old photo that showed
how “light brown” is my hair. My family knew it, and it was a very smooth, thin
layer, but thick quantity, and straight hair. It wasn’t a problem at all, when I
was at primary school. My dad put me in a private school, which made me able to
have friends who did not really care about physical different. They just
assumed me as another stranger.
The problem came when I was at
Junior High School. The school deputy often did a “general check up” for the
students. One day, he came to my class and asked me to go straight away to the
principal office. He said that “Who do you think you are? You think you can
colour your hair at this age?” I kept saying that, “THIS IS MY REAL HAIR” “I
Then the teacher said.. “When all
the thieves are as honest as you, the jail would be full. The world will be
peaceful..” I sat down in the corner,
and cried. Until my Dad came to my school, and told my teacher that it was my
real hair colour.
I was sent home that day.
Afterwards, my Mom took me to the salon to dye my hair into black. Then the
story of new colour begin…. Every now and then, I used to dye my hair into
black. However, as you know.. the colour will last only for three months. When
my mom was busy then she forgot to take me to the saloon, then my hair would
turn into light brown.. Aloe Vera was my savior that time. I used it to make my
hair darker, and it worked! Cool!
When I graduated, I played a lot with
my hair colour. The last time was last year, I dyed my hair to “Purple Rose” it
was red, not purple. Inside the room, you’ll see my hair a little bit dark red,
but outdoor, you’ll see a brave red. Everyone loves it, including my hubby.
As usual, it’s been six months
and my hair colour wash out. It turns to be light brown (again) with a little slice
of red.
One day, I brushed my hair in the office’s toilet and my boss came.
“Oh, Gek, Did you dye your hair?
I starred bluntly to her and said.. “I didn’t dye my hair… “
“Didn’t you?” She frowned.
“Nope” I smiled. “It’s my wash
out hair colour, it was purple rose, last year I guess...”
She just stunned, and passed me
then said, “It’s really nice colour, anyway… ”
I smiled again while brushing my
hair, “Thank you!”
I love my light brown hair!
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All photos mostly were taken by my BlackBerry Camera. The 2009 photo was taken after I came from Saloon. :D |
So, what’s your colour, Angel
Lovers? ;)
kalo aku mah dari dulu emang item mba. banget malah. cuma seiring berjalannya waktu, tambah bladus aja tuh warnanya.^^
jadi inget cerita Yakuza Moon, cewek Jepang tapi warna rambutnya coklat cantik gitu, eh, pas sekolah dikatain diwarnai rambutnya.>.<
kalo aku asli item...item pekat hehehe
kok gak ada foto rambutnya...
pingin lihat...
sukses ya buat web blog nya
artikelnya sangat luar biasa
semoga artikelnya bermanfaat bagi semua, nice info
Mbak Gek, thank u udah mampir2 ke blog ku.. :D
u should attach a photo so we could see ur color Mbak.. hihi.. :D
aduh, ga sempet liatin warna rambut.. (sok sibuk)hahaha...
yeah...light brown justru warna yang cantik...
tapi,kali aja jaman sekolah dulu, berbeda berarti sangat aneh...
eniwei, waktu kecil rambut saya sering disebut-sebut "rambut jagung" tapi tak masyalah...thx God, we have cem-ceman...:D
item rambutku sekarang juga ga mau item cantik gituuuu
pengen liat foto rambutnya, hihihi. it's so cool, beneran dech aku pengen liat.
Kalau aku mah daridulu juga hitam berkeriting-keriting (asli keturunan pribumi). Eh, ini kaan ngomongin warna ya, kenapa aku ngomongin keritingnya juga.
cantiiik deh. hehee
kayak rambut temen saya, nurun dari mamanya... coklat terang tapi sih dia
;) wooo kiyut deh fotonya mbak
we experienced same case!
I got light brown hair and eyes and bright skin. jadi ceritanya waktu SMP aku pernah disuruh ke ruangan konseling gara-gara dikira ngecat rambut.
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