Saturday, March 2, 2013

Booked me!

Please don’t judge me by the title of this posting. : ) 

Everyone knows that I always think far ahead. When everyone start thinking about in what school they would like to continue their Junior High School, I knew that I’m going to “that” university – “this” program, finish my study in 3.5 years, then find my dream job – that was a doctor. (Although I left my dream and change it to be a teacher.. ;)

When my girlfriends started to have a crush with some cute boys, I already had a “monkey love” with some cute boys they’ve ever known. I always approachable for the boys they were looking at, that was why those girls always be jealous on me. One of my girl friends even said that.. “Gek, you’re not beautiful, not smart, not even wearing a make up! Are you wearing “susuk”……….??? So our “cute boys” always fall for you?” Of course I ignored them and those cute boys who dared approaching me that time. I had my own choice – and I knew it’s right. 

When my friends were busy finding their university, I already moved from my science program to Social – and learnt all Social things in a month – applied my uni and be ready for it. 

Everybody kept telling me, “Gek, you need to slow down, enjoy your life.” Well, I am enjoying myself – but I was born this way. Hahhahah.

I still remembered that when my friends started thinking the topic of their “skripsi..” My ‘skripsi’ idea had already stolen by my senior .. (Seriously Gek?? How? She was overheard my idea to my supervisor.. she was mean.. I know.) – she did her ‘skripsi’ for 6 months and passed it with B. 

While me – the creator, I did it in ONE month, and passed with A – and did my ‘yudisium’ in the age of 20. Hell yes, I’m super serious.. T.W.E.N.T.Y.. I could remember the Dean of my university, who read my date of birth and repeated it.. twice – and still couldn’t believe, I still 20. *grin. 

Well, that’s my life. Always a step.. (well, ten steps ahead) from my friends – not my Mom. When I thought 10 steps ahead – she already thought for a 100 step ahead. *It’s genetic, you see… 

So.. What’s the conclusion of “booked me?” Gek?

This means, if you want to meet me.. hang in out with me… have a little chit chat, or drink a cuppa with me.. please guys.. booked me in 2 weeks advanced. *Cetarrrrrrrrrrr.. kwkwkkwkwkwk

Do not come by “only” SMS or BBM and say.. “Hey, how about going to Ubud this afternoon, at 1?” 

My answer is definitely.., “Sorry, I’m busy. My plan is already full, darl!” 

Then everyone keeps echoing their sentence to me.. “You are too, busy.. Gek” 

How about you Angel Lovers, do I need to book you up to read this posting?

kiss kiss

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Musti bersabar kalo naruh komen disini.. karena musti menunggu yang punya rumah datang.. Nanti kalian datang lagi ya.. dan ingatkan saya untuk memoderasi komentar.. hehehhe.. Jangan bosan mampir, sob! Thanks for leaving the comments. xo