Thursday, February 28, 2013

LDR, who scared?

LDR or Long Distance Relationship is a trend nowadays among adults. Why I say adults? Teenagers won’t cope with LDR, they are easily get bored and likely hunt another partner to be with. 

Many people says it is difficult to have a LDR, also chances to do an affair with other sex opposite is very easy to happen. However, there are some couples that love doing LDR, they could feel their heart near while others in a long journey – not the opposite. They are near, but there is a distance between their hearts. 

I’ve been experienced LDR when I worked in another country. It was one year without my boy friend, and we did it so well – then I start asking, why anyone could fail, when we could pass it?

LDR Positives!
I ensure you that you’ll miss each other badly. Thank God to our modern technology that we have “skype” and “face time” now! You will find that communication is effortless. Even though you will lose your saving money to buy credit to your phone, you will always texting and calling each other. The positive of LDR is you can have your “boundary freedom.” This means, you can do your hobbies, you can hang out with your friends, and do your works or tasks for even in a better result. You can go every Friday for “Girls Night Out” without even worrying someone will drag you home- when you still want to dance.

LDR Negatives…
Trust breaking is number one obstacle in this relation. It easy for your partner to judge you having another crush with another man or woman if – for example, you don’t call your partner, you forgot replying his or her sms  - or any simple thing. My boyfriend did a long distance call for 3 hours- just to get an argument with me.. and, guess what, he spent 2 million rupiah for his call. Well.. well. What should I say? 

Flirting with another man or woman is really tempting. I’ve met some foreigners who really liked me and wanted our relationship would grow more than friend. At that time, I personally did not have any intention to do any relation with foreigner men. They just didn’t suit with my life – and also, not my taste.. tsahhhhhh..! :p However, I enjoyed myself being loved by many men, got a lot of attention, and also… more friends, of course! 

Once someone said to me, “If you can maintain your LDR relationship and both of stay faithful to each other, you can be together for the rest of your life. This means your love is so strong.” 

Actually, LDR is not a distance problem. It’s more to hearts problem. If you have that problem, fix it. Don’t blame the distance! I didn’t predict that I can make the LDR succeed, but I did. : )

 Just don’t think too much about it. Trust each other – and keep your communication well. It’ll be fun.

- Are you on LDR right now, Angel Lovers?-



    masalahnya hanya pada hati, mampu gak menahan kangen sama pasangan hik :'(

    tapi yang pasti, kepercayaan dan komunikasi backbone dari hubungan, mau LDR ato non-LDR :D

    *menyenangkan diri sendiri*

  2. LDR itu pilihan sih, pilihan untuk jadi setia sama satu pasangan, atau setia sama puluhan pasangan, tergantung kita sendiri,

  3. wah, dulu aku juga LDRan mba. 4 tahun malah. dan akhirnya kandas ditengah jalan juga. wakakaka..
    positif negatifnya, bener banget mba, bangeet benernya. wakakaka..
    dan sekarang, jiaah, lagi dalam proses menjalin hubungan, dan LDRan lagi. huaduuh, hidup LDR deh.

  4. @ Ayie : ya iyalah benerrr.. hihihi, kan kita mengalami langsung.. kalau ga mengalami, kaga ade bahan postingan cuyyy.. hihihihi


Musti bersabar kalo naruh komen disini.. karena musti menunggu yang punya rumah datang.. Nanti kalian datang lagi ya.. dan ingatkan saya untuk memoderasi komentar.. hehehhe.. Jangan bosan mampir, sob! Thanks for leaving the comments. xo