Monday, February 18, 2013

The Power of Good

That is the most favourite article of the Reader Digest which I read frequently. I love reading the story of good karma and sometimes tears falling down through my cheek. When someone did something good and the other person replied in a magical way, in the right place- at the right time. 

It is actually reflected of what happened today. 

I have a colleague named Sam. He’s a young lad, for a small remote village in England. (Well, he said it to me, and directly showed me some pictures of his house in England- the first time I met him)

He sits next to me in the office, but I hardly ever notice that he’s there. He mostly sits in front of the public computer, typing with his quirky hands, sipped his double glasses of juice in a jiffy, and talks loudly about the girls he’s dating recently with his mate. 

Apart from his wildness attitude, he is always be there for me. It’s been 2 years now and he has already recognized hundreds of my face expressions that could tell exactly what I felt. 

My cruel face – that often asks him to tidy up his desk or his folder when we have to swap our class. A happy face that he often replies with a flirty smile. An unhappy face – that makes him stay away from me. :p
Or, a helpless face that makes him said.. “Are you okay?” 

He often helps me a lot with proof-read my formal writing. He sometimes change the sentences, has a little bit argument with me, then.. finally, he will emphasized his utterance then said.. “It’s my language – not yours.” It was his golden words to make me silent and obey him – at once. 

Like today when he jumped initiatively to take my student’s writing and said.. “Would like me to proof-read that? I have a lot of time. I can do it for you.” 

Then, I replied, “Sam, would you like another glass of juice?” 

He just smiled. A flirty smile, as usual. Even though at the end, we corrected together. 

 When will I pay back for your kindness, friend?

Thanks for your help today. 

Kiss kiss.


  1. aku selalu roaming kalo kesini, ora mudeng T.T

    *getok kepala

  2. uuu bagus bangett :) ini cerita loo?

    salam kenal yaa nama gue aqil

    visit back :D


Musti bersabar kalo naruh komen disini.. karena musti menunggu yang punya rumah datang.. Nanti kalian datang lagi ya.. dan ingatkan saya untuk memoderasi komentar.. hehehhe.. Jangan bosan mampir, sob! Thanks for leaving the comments. xo