Sunday, November 11, 2012


*For….. You Know Who..

Did you remember that I always be there for you?

Whenever  and wherever you need me, I’ll make my own way to meet you.

Did you forget that I always fight for you?

Every breath I take, it’s for you and I battle ‘till the death.

Didn’t I make you clear…?

That I always DO what you say, until… 

You lost control. 

You had an affair with a man, that I never knew before. 

Once in a life time, you’ve betrayed me for YEARS. 

Did I forgive you?

I don’t have to give you an answer because for me, your HAPPINESS  is EVERYTHING. 

Then, when I need to search my own happiness, why were you so sad?

You even accused me that I was leaving you. 

Why did you never read the sign that God has given to you? 

I asked for your forgiveness, thousand times. I forgave you, in million times.. 

You’ve never change. 

I tried to be a looser again – to make you win. But, I let you know, I sometimes want to be a winner. 

I’m losing my faith. Can I survive this time?
Will you give me any clues, God...?


  1. bingung mau komen apa
    *baca postingan lagi*

  2. bingung mau komen apa
    *baca postingan lagi*

  3. Huuuuu...hopeless ??

    sepertinya ini bukan gayamu Gek *_*

  4. Haiiiih, berat juga postingan mbak yang ini...

    Sabar ya mbak, kita berharap aja si dia beruubah dan akhirnya menyadari betapa pentingnya anda.

  5. setuju dengan komentar Mbak Irma
    biasana Gek selalu optimis

  6. yess..I do..
    saya gak paham inggris mass..

  7. Keep Smile and Spirit ^_^

  8. jalan2 juga ke blog saya yang satu ini,

  9. Hopeless itu tempat yang buat nyimpan gula di dapur ya gek?

    Kayanya sudah lama saya ndak ke sini ya gek. Apa kabar? Masih hopeless? Jangan dong,,


Musti bersabar kalo naruh komen disini.. karena musti menunggu yang punya rumah datang.. Nanti kalian datang lagi ya.. dan ingatkan saya untuk memoderasi komentar.. hehehhe.. Jangan bosan mampir, sob! Thanks for leaving the comments. xo