Thursday, November 12, 2009

Up Front

Prakata :
Memperkenalkan label baru lagi.. (hehe). Yap, kali ini labelnya break time. Sesuai dengan labelnya, saya berusaha membuat postingan yang di label ini cucok untuk di baca sembari santai, minum kopi-teh-atau susu, atau pas lagi senggang. Berusaha buat yang agak pendek (*biar ga disindir bawel.. hehe). Topik label ini yang singkat-singkat aja, kebanyakan tulisan mungkin akan saya copas dari artikel yang saya baca.. sharing dari teman, atau cerita-cerita lucu. (alasan aja sih, untuk menutupi pas lagi kehabisan ide- atau kata kata yang penuh personifikasi. *lebay*)
Mulai aja dehh…
Saya ambil topik ini dari “Good Weekend” nya Sidney Morning Herald, kalo di Indonesia sih bisa di baca di “weekender” nya Jakarta Sunday Post. Inti artikel ini adalah menampilkan artis atau tokoh terkenal setiap minggunya yang diharuskan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan dengan “unfinished sentence” . Cukup menarik untuk mengupas siapa saya  (walaupun bukan artis terkenal!) dan kenarsisan saya…. (hehe)
Your time starts now....!
My earliest memory is…. Going to school with a white long-sleeve shirt for the top, black pencil skirt and 10 cm heel shoes (*duh!) - Riding my f-1 motorbike with a noisy sound – and smoke.. uhuk-uhuk! Listening to my students sang  “good morning teacher – good morning teacher……
At school I was … a nerd. Always listening to the teacher, sat at the front, studied hard for exam, sometimes truanted for physics, absolutely gave up for Maths, - always being teased because I did this. *sigh!
My most treasured possession is … my laptop. It's a combination between my saving money ( a little) – begged my father to rob his retirement saving account – and couple swiped from my mom’s credit cards…
My father always told me… that I have to be able to choose the best way for my own life. He said, I knew I’m bad – don’t do the same thing, follow whatever you like from me.. (*tears)
I wish I had… 36 hours a day.
I wish I hadn’t … a creature called lazy (*sigh!)
My most humiliating moment was… opening my uncle’s room door and saw him undressed.. (this is NOT by purpose!)
My happiest moment was…flew to Australia and worked here for a year!

My guiltiest pleasure is… a big glass of iced coffee completed with double scoops of vanilla ice-cream plus cream and chocolate powder on top of it.. (OMG!!!)
My last meal would be… a combo meal in Hard Rock CafĂ© with my mom. (Nothing beat that yet..)
I’m very bad at… ignoring men.
When I was a child I wanted to… be a doctor!
The book that changed my life was… The Secret.  Always go back to that book if I feel down. Have you read it, guys?
My best trait is… to eat food as slow and as much as possible. I need at least 2 hours to finish my dinner. Anyone fancy taking me to a candle light dinner? :p
If I could change one moment in my life it would be.. not borrowing heaps money from the bank to conduct a multi level marketing business. Well, this is why everybody said.. experience is the most expensive the best .. teacher.
It’s not fashionable but I love… reading  peanut-romantic novels.. haha.
If I could live anywhere, I’d choose.. . next door to my mom, so  I can chat with her everyday- all night long.
My greatest fear is… to see a snake. Why on earth God creates them.. ? (T.T)
If only I could… a bit taller. ;)
The hardest thing I have ever done was... fulfilled my thesis in 2 months – slept two hours a day – five cups of coffee a day, got bachelor at the age 20. Fiuh… that was hard, I guess?
I relax by… soaked myself in the beach and played with the water inside my man’s arms. (sound romantic, eh? Haha)

What I don’t find amusing is… seeing inside other men eyes and knew they crushed on me!  (*duh!)
I’m always being asked… “Have you got student’s card??” (aaarrrggghhh!)
If it wasn’t me I’d like to be… My mother.  A beautiful generous woman who has a great spirit of life – a fearless woman who travels around the world every month. (Mom, you knew I ENVY you…)
I often wonder… why every men love and hurt me easily? Later, they’ll regret it when it’s too late to say ‘I love you’ and ‘sorry’ – that’s not good, eh??

CONCLUSION : NEVER  hurt a woman!!

Mullumbimby, 11 Nov 09


  1. @ Ayas : Astaga..! Nye pam nya sampe 6x...! hadiahnya cari di toko2 terdekat yah..! hehe.
    Thanks Ayas! See ya! ;)

  2. mbok exchangenya udah terpasang
    klik aja di Navbar yang tulisannya link exchange atau di postingan
    namanya Angel on earth

  3. hahaha.. lucu bangedh..
    brarti ni artikel juga cucok dibaca abis sepedaan loh.. hehe.. mana masih mandi keringat gini..
    oh iya, tu kalo 'candle light dinner' bisa lebih duluan abis lilinnya dong daripada makannya.. hahaha..
    nice post, gek.. hihi..

  4. aduh kayanya Gek dapet fans nih hehe...Ayas tasli wiguna ^_^

    hahaha,...gak kebanyakan tuh ayas ? kita jadi gak kebagian kan.... ^_*

    ibu guru,...aku ngiler iced coffe nya...mauuuu....

  5. cita" kecilmu jauh lebih keren daripada aku XD
    buka kartu di sini, dulu aku pengen jadi tukang becak *nyengir*

  6. jadi dokter toh? wah, tapi takut ular? nanti kalo pratikum gimana? ketemu orang yg penyakitnya mengerikan. hehehe..btw, tuh kopinya menggiurkan bgt.

    Si ayas nyepam byk bgt tuh.hehehe..

  7. one things, why its must be on english???????

    bukan break time namanya klo di english, kr bacanya sambil buka kamus.huhuuu.....*protes*

  8. barang impianku juga laptop,dan menunggu hingga duit penuh wkwkwkwk *kapan yak*

  9. wah nice tuh gek.......("nice" adalah kata dalam inggris yang saya tahu artinya...........sisanya jangan ditanya heheheheh)

    ............"why every men love and hurt me easily?".........mungkin belum nemu yang cucok ja.....chemistry nya lum dapet kali.......

    eh gek ada FB add juga ya.........

  10. lazy girl?
    hohohoho... give me five!! hihihi sama2 pemalas dilarang saling mendahului (bis kota kalee)

    untung gw dah punya with my own money...rasanya seneeeeeeng bgt krn not begging sama hubby hohoho

    yes..aku tak suka yg melata2, actually my biggest fear is cicak!!! eewww.... ada cicak 1mtr gw dah lari 10mtr wuiiih keren jg ya diriku hahahaha... (btw di aussie ada cicak gak?)

  11. terakhir, my guilty pleasure...
    hhmmm... gak bisa ngliat tas hihihihih
    ampe suka dimarahin hubby krn bny skali tas2 bkliaran di kamar :D

  12. eh udh ahh nyepmnya...
    gk enak ama ayas...sptnya dia suka skali nyepam disini huhuhuhuhuh

  13. @ Mbak Linda : astagaaa.. mba Lin hobi juga teh nye-pam.. hehhee! Mana bagi tasnya satu!

    @ Enchi : sabar-bu.. sabar.. cairin lagi gih Western Unionnya buat beli lapie. ;)

    @ Bli Jonni : Ku add YM aja.. mana id YM nyaaa??

    @ Mba Fanny and Clara: ho oh.. memang cita-cita yang terlalu tinggi.. haha.

    @ Senja : ayo sini bareng ngopi.. ;)

    @ Pohon : lah.. lilinnya pake yang besar dounk, kayak yang di klenteng2 itu looo.. hehe.

    @ Itikssss : iya, iya, sudah kau ternakkan blog-ku ini, suksma jegeg!

    Makasi udah Nye- Pam ya teman- teman..! Kurang Banyak! XD


Musti bersabar kalo naruh komen disini.. karena musti menunggu yang punya rumah datang.. Nanti kalian datang lagi ya.. dan ingatkan saya untuk memoderasi komentar.. hehehhe.. Jangan bosan mampir, sob! Thanks for leaving the comments. xo