Isn't it amazing to see someone's opinion about you..?
Yesterday I've got a deep conversation with my fiance and he told me that..
I'm the one who can change him into a better person, I'm the one who made him crazy, he couldn't forget the way he kissed me, as he's the first person who kissed my lips, he never realized that he loved me so much when he broke up with me, he never knew that, I'm his inspiration since the first time he met me...
Sweet. ♥
He said, he doesn't want to tell me how proud he is to have me back in his arm, he never stop thanking God to make us to be together again, he never stop telling people that he adored me so much, as he wants to be the part of my life.
He admired the way I live my own life, the independence part, and the strength that he sees in me. He told me, he's too much hurting me, but he said, it is a process to get to know about me, a little deeper...
Oh, well, should I believe that?
too awesome to be told, but, I was happy for his honesty.
But, how about another person that I was with for more than 5 years??
When I asked him, "tell me about me..."
He says...
lgsung aja y..
banyak hal yg aku suka dr lu.
Lu cantik, aku seneng bgt punya pcr cantik ky lu.
kedua, lu baik bgt. saking baiknya, aku jd bingung ga tau hrs brbuat apa ats smua kbaikanmu.
ke-3, lu pintar. bakatmu nulis buat aku kagum.
lebih kurang ky gitu yg aku suka dr lu.
aku ga benci sm lu, tp ada beberapa hal yg memang aku ga suka. contohnya:
lu egois. lu ga pernah kasi aku ksempatan untk berpendapat. seakan-akan aku ga punya arti dlm hubungan kita. bukan hanya pendapat, seolah-olah lu pengen berkuasa dlm berhubungan. jujur, itu yg buat aku tertekan dan sulit lakukan apa yg aku mau.
kedua, aku ga suka lu terlihat terlalu bangga dg apa yg lu dptin. lu banyak berubah stelah lu kerja. ga sm lg ketika kita sama2 msh kuliah. ketika aku merasakan pahitnya hidup.
lu jelas banget nunjukin bhw lu sangat cuek diakhir-akhir kita pacara. jelas bgt lu rasa sayang yg pernah ada tidak lg aku rasakan. banyak bgt rahasia yg lu sembunyiin dr aku. dan aku sedih. aku merasa perhatianku tlh direbut olh org yg sdh beristri. semoga aku tdk salah. maaf.
satu hal yg paling aku suka adalah semangatmu untk dapetin s.t.
Banyak hal yg telah jd inspirasi dlm hidupku sekarang.
Not bad, a bit disappointing that my ex looked at me from physic first...
ah, man -- there is no different, all the same!
Now, your turn,
tell me... ;)
6:44 p.m. / 12th June 09
Mullum - NSW
itu sih cuma alasan utk mutusin kamu aja, Gek. ups...kok jd ngomporin sih?