Friday, June 5, 2009

How do I love *thee?

How do I love thee?

Three words for thee---
Exotic, sexy, and smart.

Who didn't know thee?
Thee is a young person, warm, lovely smile, nice pack body, smart, rich, what else?

How can't you love thee?
A very good position indeed, but not without a hard job, yeah, play hard-work hard. A stable job, a glamor life around western style while thee doesn't come from west.

I didn't know thee,
the thing I knew, thee believes me. Gave me loads of works, loads of stories,compliments, critics, invited me to an "arisan", worked together, laughed and lunch together, but, thee maybe didn't love me as I admire thee.

Do you know that thee?
That I do care about you... I do respect you.. I do assume you as my friend..

Thee didn't know that I am a person who has a strong encouragement, strong commitment, dare to be different, and dare to take a risk..
Did I make mistake if someone loves me more than thee thought?
Did I make mistake if someone believes me more than thee got?
Did I make a mistake if God taking care of me more than anyone else?

While everybody loves thee.. I keep asking myself
How do I love you...?
While you ignoring me like a wind which always wants to blow your nice brown hair..
While you didn't even look at me like a scrap food that you threw in the bin..
While you (maybe) hatred me like your ex - lovers..

God forgives me,
I just want thee to look at me even though just a glance,
so I can scream to thee, and ask thee

How do I love you, thee?

How do I love thee?
If thee made a deep cut in my heart..

*thee : Old English that means he/she ; him/her

6 : 11 pm / 5th June 09
Mullum- In my very messy room.. (sigh)


Musti bersabar kalo naruh komen disini.. karena musti menunggu yang punya rumah datang.. Nanti kalian datang lagi ya.. dan ingatkan saya untuk memoderasi komentar.. hehehhe.. Jangan bosan mampir, sob! Thanks for leaving the comments. xo